Why do you need to choose our BIM training?

  • We are not instructors of Revit. We are engineers and architects who use Revit every day and develop design processes.
  • We know what final product should look like and how to “force” software to do it.
  • We will adapt the training to a concrete project that will be made from the beginning to the end in Revit
  • We will adapt the training to persons designated for specific positions in the team.
  • We will design training based on real problems that arise in the design process.
  • We will teach you exactly what you need and evade topics that are not interesting for your area of work

For the successful transition of your design team to REVIT design, it is of the utmost importance to conduct good training of personnel.
Working together on then central REVIT model, from which you will later receive all the information for compiling graphic and other documentation, requires that the entire team work identically (uniform) with the adopted procedures familiar to all participants on the project.

Communication and collaboration in BIM software like Revit significantly differs from previous practice in AutoCad. So far, Cad programs have taken the most of the “Layers” in which they draw some parts of the project. When it comes to Revit it is necessary to take care of families, views,naiming, etc..

Processes of data exchange and team collaboration are more complex, but a better quality product is achieved.

With our customized training, we offer you the opportunity to quickly and efficiently build a team capable of collaborating and working in Autodesk Revit.

Training is coordinated with the capabilities and needs of your company’s work area. In order to be able to use REVIT BIM efficiently, it is necessary that the entire team successfully manage the cooridination and collaboration processes in the design process.

Logitech MX Master 2S
Miš, koji bih preporučio svima koji se profesionalno bave projektovanjem. Za jednog čoveka koji provodi za računarom veći deo svog dana i bavi se projektovanjem, najvažniji alat je miš. Od…